Mosaik 2.2.0 released – mosaik

Mosaik 2.2.0 released

The biggest change of this release is that we have added an new optional method “setup_done()” to the mosaik API. This method is called after the models are created and before the first simulation step is executed. This facilitates the configuration of models during scenario building.

Furthermore the API version is no longer an integer but a “major.minor” string and therefore the version validation has changed. Now, the major part has to match with mosaik’s major version and the minor part may be lower or equal to mosaik’s minor version. Also we have updated the versions of the used libraries to the last versions in the requirements file of mosaik. And of course, the documentation has been updated.

You can get the new version by running pip install -U mosaik.

Special thanks to Stefan!