Mosaik 3.3.0 beta released – mosaik

Mosaik 3.3.0 beta released

Dear Co-Simulators,

The mosaik team is thrilled to announce that we have released mosaik 3.3 beta ! We want to give you the opportunity to test the new version at an early stage and give us feedback, so that we can improve the stable release.

⚠️ Be careful when testing the beta version, things may break! ⚠️

So, what’s new in mosaik 3.3?

The most notable change happens under the hood. We did an internal rework and refactoring of the time handling in mosaik. This shall increase the performance of mosaik noticeably - especially for scenarios with a huge amount of simulators - and also clarifies the implementation of the scheduling process. The scenarios that have worked with previous mosaik versions should work as before - nevertheless, we have already encountered an unexpected behaviour in certain scenarios which we are working on to fix. If you also encounter unexpected behaviour, let us know. This is what we have released the beta version for 🚀

We also have some other useful and more user-facing new features:

mosaik now provides a couple of basic simulators. These can be used to consume output, e.g., storing it in a dict or providing data, e.g., from a custom function.

A simulator can now be connected to itself if the connection is weak or time_shifted. This restriction is technically no longer necessary - now you have even more freedom creating your scenarios!

Last but not least, simulators can now return extra_info for created entities. This can, for example, be used for nominal voltages for nodes in a grid in a pandapower simulator.

Have fun with the new version! If you have feedback, write us a massage here on GitHub Discussions or if you find a bug, feel free to create an issue on GitLab.