mosaik — Blog

Adapter to Odysseus available

Odysseus is an in-memory data stream management system that is designed for online processing of big data in real time. It is possible to filter, correlate, extend, and transform data. We now provide an adapter to connect Odysseus with mosaik, which makes it possible to transfer your simulation data to Odysseus for an easy analysis and online-visualization of your simulation results.

odysseus how it works

Date flow in Odysseus.

You can find more about Odysseus on its feature-site. There is also a short introduction how to use Odysseus to visualize and store data in the mosaik documentation.

There are two easy ways to connect mosaik and Odysseus which are described in a step by step tutorial. The adapter has been developed in the context of a master’s thesis. So if you are German-speaking, you can find detailed information in the thesis.

odysseus visualization

Example demonstrating the visualization of time series in Odysseus.

Author: Jan Sören Schwarz

Second mosaik-Workshop held at AIT, Vienna

The 2nd mosaik-Workshop took place at AIT’s TechBASE in Vienna on April 28-29. It was attended by 20 international participants.

Goal of the workshop was the exchange between developers and users of mosaik. In presentations and hands-on programming sessions the prospective users learned about the features of mosaik and how to connect simulators or how to create simulation scenarios.

Moreover, the event provided an opportunity to learn about different use cases and to get into contact with people with similar interests.

Following the success of the first two workshops similar events will be held semi-annually. The next workshop will be end of the year 2015. More information about that will follow at a later date.

mosaik-workshop at AIT 2015-04-28 (c) Ringhofer

Photo courtesy of Ringhofer

Author: Florian Schlögl

Co-Simulation Workshop of Energy Informatics Oldenburg and Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh

Seven scientists of the energy informatics groups in Oldenburg (Uni Oldenburg and OFFIS) visited the Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA, USA in order to explore cooperation possibilities. This was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in form of an initial workshop. The focus of the visit was on intensive discussions about the topics “co-simulation” and “architecture development” – next to the active participation in the annual conference “Carnegie Mellon Conference on the Electricity Industry” on the topic “Testbeds for Smart Grids and Smart Cities: Means of Learning“. On the host side, which was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), ten experts from the working group of Prof. Marija Ilic participated in a very fruitful discussion. Different use cases for further cooperation could be identified, which have already been introduced and furthered by Prof. Sebastian Lehnhoff and Prof. Marija Ilic in the context of the DFG-JST-NSF workshop “Future Power System Architectures and Control Paradigms”, during 20-22 April 2015 in Arlington, VA, USA.

Author: Florian Schlögl

Mosaik 2.1.3 released

We have improved the process to stop simulators after a simulation run and we did some minor bug fixes. Also we have updated the version of simpy and to the last versions in the requirements file of mosaik. This solves the problem that the demo didn’t start. Furthermore the documentation has been updated.

You can get the new version by running pip install -U mosaik.

Author: Okko Nannen

Registration deadline extended

As there are still places available for the Hands-on-Workshop “Co-Simulation in Smart-Grids with mosaik” from 28. April 2015 13:00 to 29. April 2015 13:00 at AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology in Vienna the registration deadline has been extended to

03. April 2015

You can register by using this form and sending it to mosaik-workshop at Participants will be notified after easter holidays (07. April).

There is a preliminary agenda. You can find information about the workshop in this blog.

Author: Florian Schlögl

Mosaik prominently represented at the 10th Carnegie Mellon Conference on the Electricity Industry

The 10th Carnegie Mellon Conference on the Electricity Industry will be held from March 31 to April 1 in Pittsburgh, PA in the USA. It is co-chaired by Prof. Dr. Marija Ilic, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), ECE and EPP and Prof. Dr. Sebastian Lehnhoff, OFFIS, Germany. The main topic of the conference is to discuss the state-of-the-art of testbeds for future electric power systems. These simulation environments are important means of helping the industry to simulate and assess new hardware and software solutions, as well as the effects of policy requirements. The conference will not only focus on current developments in the U. S. but there will also be a scientific exchange regarding the activities in Europe.

In the invited workshop following the conference, different simulation environments will be demonstrated and discussed - like the Smart Grid in a Room Simulator (SGRS) by CMU or mosaik by OFFIS.

Find more at the conference home page.

Author: Florian Schlögl

Registration for Workshop now open

It is now possible to registrate for the Hands-on-Workshop “Co-Simulation in Smart-Grids with mosaik” from 28. April 2015 13:00 to 29. April 2015 13:00 at AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology in Vienna.

You can register by using this form and sending it not later than 27. March 2015 to mosaik-workshop at More information in the form.

There is a preliminary agenda. You can find information about the workshop in our last blog.

Author: Florian Schlögl

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